Saturday, 8 November 2008

2008 November 07

A very short entry because I only started writing shortly before being invited out to play games in the evening.

Getting everything organised for the party was simple enough, I think I was invited to help (told I was coming) simply so she had someone to talk to as she went around picking things up. I certainly wasn't there for muscle as it all fitted in one of those little baskets. Even with the delay of stopping at my place and being distracted by internet things we were done with the supermarket stuff and back to her place before one of the flatmates was even up, and quite a while before most of the invited people showed up. To fill in time I got something of a guided tour through the mess the drill had made. The drill itself hadn't done much but the need to get to the wiring had left a few holes in the walls.

Even with me knowing very few of the guests I had a good time. Veronika hadn't invited a lot of people and I had probably spent more time with Laura the night she stayed than I had on any other occasion. If not for the fact I knew Veronika didn't really spend much time "with" her flatmates I'd have felt bad about knowing so little about them.

The afternoon passed as afternoons at such gatherings do, a couple of people got drunk, two of the guys started beating on each a little before they fell over and there was a lot of talk about who had done what over the past couple of weeks. I was completely unsurprised to hear almost no talk of study or work, even though I knew a few of them were actually fairly committed to their studies.

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