Tuesday, 18 November 2008

2008 November 17

The writing I managed on Monday, mostly at work on my Palm Pilot as I was going out in the evening. Things continue to progress slowly.

Words today: 475
Total for the month so far: 16041

It took us a couple of days to get our morning routine sorted to the point we weren't getting in each others way as we tried to do things. Getting to see each other at lunchtime was good as well. We didn't really have much to talk about when we sat down to eat but part of that was her wanting to deal with all the little things on her own and not yet knowing much about anyone or anything that seemed worth talking about. My not talking was more an issue of Veronika already knowing most of what went on in my job because I'd told her during the prior week.

Going home with her that first afternoon was weird, even apart from the fact I was used to walking alone. I felt eyes on me/us and though I knew that there wasn't anything untoward happening I was sure that some people would think that we had never met before that day and were going to be doing things we shouldn't. When we showed up the next morning still together and dressed differently I think some people begun to realise the day before had been innocent. There wasn't anything blatant but I did notice a few glances directed my way on random occasions, but they had all been curious more than anything else.

I wasn't surprised to have only one person come and question me, most of the people I worked with in any way would have been aware that I was extremely unlikely to be taking a stranger home for any reason. Veronika had however been asked by a few of her new colleagues as they didn't know her anywhere near as well. Explaining that we were flatmates was enough to prevent any further questions, we'd both agreed that the fact we were dating wasn't really anyone else's business.

I think both of us found sharing tasks in the evening much better than doing everything individually. The extra preparation for twice the food wasn't comparable to the reduction caused by doing less individual tasks for example. It also gave us another chance to spend time together without feeling a need to fill silences.

The day after she shifted in Veronika had insisted we go shopping, what I had in the way of supplies was apparently far less than what she considered a minimum. After that point I would often find myself staring into the cupboard trying to find something I knew we had. For a couple of days I was considering shifting all 'my' stuff to one side of the cupboard simply so I'd have less to look through. The reasons behind Veronikas arrangement started to make sense to me quick enough though that I never achieved the level of motivation that would have been required for me to actually do anything.

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